Keys to business success

There’s a whole lot of noise out there around the SECRET to business success and although we all know the secret doesn’t exist, I thought it might be interesting to share a few of the things that I believe has helped me to have the business I do today…

✔️ Strong values and beliefs which are reflected in every area of my work
✔️Working for free to strengthen my expertise and confidence
✔️Clarity around the big picture vision and solid foundations which work towards that
✔️Setting yearly intentions and quarterly goals (aka the AB Method)
✔️Privilege, personal connections and utilising opportunities
✔️Commitment to excellence and personal development as a coach and educator
✔️Willingness to take uncomfortable action and learn from mistakes
✔️Marketing strategy focused on both short term growth and long term sustainability
✔️Kindness, generosity and support from others
✔️A personal brand which creates connection and memorability

Plus a whole lot of hard work, snack breaks and TIME.

Are these the steps you HAVE to take to grow your business? Absolutely not - just as every business is unique, so is the way that it’s grown - this is just what’s worked for me.

I found it pretty therapeutic to step back and write this list so I’d love to know, what do you think has helped create your success? Whatever stage you’re at, it’s powerful to reflect on our journey and learn from others!

Need more mindset content to bump up your business? Take a look at these… 👇🏻